Flip AI is Now SOC2 Compliant

Deap Ubhi
Nov 28, 2023
Flip AI is Now SOC2 Compliant

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At Flip AI, we always say that security on behalf of our customers is job zero. Our team has carried this ethos throughout their careers, from having worked with and handled top secret information in The Pentagon and The White House, to upholding the most stringent standards of security and governance at Amazon Web Services. Security is not a box we check at Flip AI; it is a core responsibility, upon which the foundations of trust with our customers are built. 

Today, we’re proud to announce that Flip AI has achieved SOC2 compliance, in the form of a SOC2 Type II attestation report. This is just one of the many ways in which we demonstrate to our customers that we are willing to be held accountable by operating within a controlled and audited environment. 

What is SOC2 Compliance

Systems and Organization Controls, or SOC2, is a voluntary compliance standard developed by the American Institute of CPAs (or “AICPA”) that articulates how organizations should manage customer data. The AICPA has developed a five-pillar framework, which serves as broad criteria categories for the standard they have developed: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy. 

What Does This Mean for Customers?

While Flip AI never replicates or stores customer data, customers can rest assured that we still hold ourselves to the highest possible standards when it comes to data security and governance: 

  • All data within Flip AI is protected by a system of access controls and an auditing framework to ensure that those controls are regularly followed.
  • Flip AI has implemented enterprise-grade security practices, such as regular penetration testing, to ensure that any and all data within our organization is protected. 

Learn More

If you are interested in exploring Flip AI’s capabilities but have questions about security, compliance, and governance, please reach out to speak to one of our solutions experts by filling out our form. We are always happy to dive into the details of how our technology works, how it interacts with customer data, and what security mechanisms we put in place to ensure customers can sleep easy at night. We look forward to hearing from you!

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